Tim Schmidt
Tim has been farming in Tasmania for the last 20 years, in 2003 the family purchased Woodlands a 350ha farm near Deloraine in Northern Tasmania. Primarily a beef trading and dairy agistment farm they also grow potatoes and hemp.
In 2016 Tim became president of the Tasmanian Hemp Association and has since advocated for the Tasmanian hemp industry. In August 2022 after 6 years, Tim stood down as President of the THA after having overseen the development of the Association into an effective advocacy organisation for the Tasmanian hemp industry.
Tim also sits on the TFGA Meat Council, longstanding chairman of the Deloraine Landcare Group, past chairman of the Meander Valley Council NRM committee and committee member of the Meander Valley Water Users.
Tim is also president of the newly formed Australian Hemp Council, a 7 member council representing each state and NT on behalf of Industrial Hemp Industry growers and processors.